Winter Goalty Details

Who should play?

YOU SHOULD. Registration will go up next week (price TBA) and will run through January 2nd.

As is custom, we’re not going to allow late registration. Sign up on time. If you know someone who doesn’t read the forums, tell them about registration. Sob stories about missing registration will be listened to while pretending to play the world’s tiniest violin and making a fake pouty face at you.

Guys should use the standard 0-9 scale, ladies 0-6.

But why?

Because it’s going to be awesome, fun, and not cold at all*.

When do we play?

Games will be played on Saturdays starting January 7th. The last week of the season will be played on February 25th. End of Season will be the following weekend.

You will play two different teams each weekend (best of three).

Where will the games be?

Some CoA field, TBD at this point. I’ll update when I have more details.

How do I captain a team?

Put a core together and email me ( Because there were a few teams that were a bit stacked last year, the core rules are slightly modified.

3 guys + 1 woman (2/2 is not allowed because of the different point scales used for men and women)

Total points: 25 (using men’s 9 pt scale and women’s 6 pt scale).

Maximum of 2 guys ranked 7 or higher.

Pairs must either both be on the core or both in the draft — not split between the two.

Because we’re trying to spread the talent around a little better than last year, expect to be up-ranked if you’re borderline or trying to get by with a lower ranking.

The first eight (or possibly 10, depending on registration) captains to submit full cores will get to captain.

* – Disclaimer: it might actually be cold.


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