Here are the EOS details, minus the actual schedule. Games will start at 9 a.m. EOS is at South Bend. AFDC will provide beer and lunch at the fields. Please drink responsibly.
Forum post by commissioner Kate Wilson
Pool Play
There will be two pools of 4 teams. You play every team in your pool. The top two teams from the pool advance to semis. The bottom 2 teams advance to beer bracket semis. Each pool play round will be BEST OF THREE games (please note this is different than regular season play). Semis will also be best of 3. Finals will be best of 5 (unless captains mutually agree that they are exhausted and want to make it best of 3). Rounds will be at 9, 10:30, and 12. Semis at 1:30. finals at 3.
Start Time
Kits will be up and ready by 9 a.m. Games START AT 9 A.M. I will not push back the rounds if your team is late. Teams are allowed to assess points! I am arbitrarily deciding you can assess 1 point for every 3 minutes a team is late, so if a team is 15 minutes late, you have won 1 game…. To assess points, your team needs to be on the field, ready to play, and give a 2 minute warning to the other team that you will start assessing points.
Cap Rules
Soft cap goes on 15 minutes before the next round starts. Finish the game you’re playing. If, after the end of that game, one team is ahead, the round is over. (ex. both teams haven’t won a game yet. cap goes on. team 1 wins the game, you’re currently playing after soft cap goes on. round is over. team 1 won 1-0). If soft cap goes on, you finish the game you’re currently playing and that ties it up, 1-1, start 3rd game and play until the hard cap. Hard cap goes on 10 minutes before the next round starts. Next score ends the game (unless it creates a tie. then play one more point). If team 1 is up 1-0 in games and hard cap goes on while team 2 is up in the 2nd game but doesn’t win the actual game, team 1 still wins the round.