We’ve completed two weeks of games in the Winter Goaltimate season and here in week three we’re experiencing our first rain out. Today’s games (January 21st) will be made up in in week five (February 4th), which should appear for you on the schedule in the next few days.
Captains and co-captains: please be sure you are reporting scores to the league page when your games are complete. If you’d like to have a different person reporting your scores, please email Pete. So far, with an incomplete set of scores reported, it appears that (as predicted by The Junior Analyst) that Puppet Sex and the Sage Dragons of Goaltimate are doing very well. In addition, Sorry! has started off strong at 3-1 although with a somewhat less difficult schedule than the other two teams have faced.
If we can get the weather machine to cooperate, I hope to see everyone out at the fields next week! Games are played at Walker Park at 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm and 4:00pm.