Summer league core info. 12 person cores. Top 7 limit is 29. Total limit is 40. Click for details.
- 12 people maximum. Please try to have 12 it makes the draft easier.
- Use the 0-9 scale as usual. Subtract 2 for men and 3 for women to get the core value. (Example: Ben Rainwater is ranked a 7 on the 0-9 scale. His core value is 5. Brigette Flood is ranked 6 on the 0-9 scale. Her core value is 3.
- The top 7 limit is 29. This is two less than last year.
- The total core limit for all 12 players is 40. This is the same as last year.
- If you are short I will add players to your roster before the draft to make it 12. There will be no pre-draft
- True zeros can not be added to your core for free. Put them in the draft, they will be there.
- Make sure the people on your core register on time. This is your responsibility as captain. If they don’t make it they are dropped from your core.
- Every person on your core has to know they are on your core. Talk to them send them an email, phone call, telegram, whatever you wan to do. You can not randomly core some person, because that person might have agreed to be on a different core. This causes problems for me.
- In early march I will put out the call for captains and announce the dates for CRM, cores due, draft and all that good stuff.