We’ll be using a new registration system from Summer League registration on, and that means some changes to the way you might be used to doing things. This post should help guide you through a successful registration. If you have any questions or run into any problems, please do not hesitate to email webmaster@afdc.com.
After Noon on May 1st, you can register for a League in Six easy steps:
- Don’t freak out! Visit leagues.afdc.com, our new league management system.
- Read the text on that page if you’re an over-achiever, otherwise, click on “Log in” in the upper-right-hand corner of the page.
- If you’ve registered with the AFDC before, you should be able to log in with your Forum account (Step 2.5 is making sure that you’ve logged in to the forums). Otherwise, you can reset your password or create a new account.
- Once you’re logged in, click on the ‘Leagues‘ link at the top of the page, and then either click the shopping cart to the left of the ‘2012 Summer League’ or click the league name to see details and then click the big blue button to register.
- Fill out your details, including taking the gRank survey. Answer honestly!
- Checkout at PayPal and return to the site. Be patient — it may take a minute or two for your status to be updated on the site.
If you’re one of the first 500 men or 300 women to complete those six steps successfully, congratulations! You’ll be playing frisbee with us a few nights a week for most of the summer, and your name will appear as “active” on this list.
Again, don’t freak out! If you run into any questions or have problems, please don’t hesitate to email the webmaster or any member of the steering committee.
You can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions here if you want to try to troubleshoot yourself before you email.
1. Click “log in” – Top right corner
2. Choose your log in method – see the notes above and in the FAQ.
3. Click the “Cart” register icon and enter your information.
4. Click the blue “Cart” – Top right corner
5. Click “Proceed to Paypal” to authorize payment
If you click the league hyperlink you will get to a page with details: