Our website has under gone a make over in the last 6 months. We have gone to a blog and added lots of new functionality. Check out some of the best new parts.
New Website features:
- Homepage: The new home page is a blog that gets updated all the time with new important information like, league details, registration details, game cancellations, and community topics. Click on any post to expand it for full details. There are three important Featured posts on the top.
- New content pages: We’ve overhauled some pages while others are in process. Explore the new layout and find all kinds of useful things. I recommend the fields page.
- News links: Every post has a tag, sort of like a category. If you click on that tag it will show you all posts with that same tag. Our News tab has links to some of the most frequent or important tags.
- Calendar: The afdc calendar is on the home page as well as larger view on its own page. We update this regularly with dates for registration, league schedules, and tournament dates. If you use google you can add this calendar to your personal calendar.
- Comments: If you expand a post there is a field at the bottom that allows you to log into Facebook and leave a comment. Have fun with that.
- Facebook page: We have one facebook page now. It will have reposts of every blog post. It will also have fun stuff from time to time like polls and pictures. Make sure to like the page to get all the important updates in your news feed. This will make the page a valuable tool for our commissioners to communicate with you.
- Search bar: Our blog has a search bar on the right side that will allows you to search all of our posts for keywords like Terminus or Summer League.
- Registration: Pete has spent countless hours overhauling our league management code. It is debuting for Summer League 2012. It will consist of adding your registration to a cart and checking out. We hope to continue adding functionality with every season. Thanks Pete.
- Email subscription: On the home page there is a sidebar on the right side. Below a link to our partner GSP is a box for you to enter your email address. This will put you on our mailing list to receive important information from the president. Emails are rare and you can unsubscribe at any time with a link at the bottom of our emails.
- Friends of the AFDC:We’ve added a section to the side bar with links to our partners, businesses we recommend or offer our membership discounts. Click on them.We’ve got a lot more planned so keep checking back for updates.