Here is the summer league power poll after week 2 results.

Week 2 Top 10

  1. Yeah Buddy
  2. EAOC
  3. Booty Time
  4. Cat Smashers
  5. Samboni Supplies
  6. Beach Whale
  7. Mother Lovers
  8. Long Hot Thumber
  9. Shark Attack
  10. Oo-da-lalley

Other receiving votes: brontosaurus, birthday party, herschel, lucky, 420, 17 again, party rock, serious trouble, stranger danger, RoQ, pretty bird.

Here is the google doc with voting details

 Top 5 fun teams

  1. Booty Time
  2. Goodtimes
  3. EAOC
  4. Party Rock
  5. 420

Others receiving votes: Cat smashers, birthday party, pretty bird, lucky, shark attack, RoQ, LHT, stranger danger



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