2012 Fall Goalty

Hey, hey folks!  It’s fall goalty time!!  In celebration of the new school year, fall goalty’s theme is Back to School, 90210 Style.

“I loved you more than I ever thought I could love anyone.  Maybe that was the problem.” 
-Dylan, to Brenda (although he was also rumored to feel the same way about goalty)


Fall goalty may be the best goalty season yet!  If you are a beginner or part of our talented goalty community, we don’t want you to miss it!

Not sure how to get started?  Look below.

  • Class Registration:  August 24-31.  It’s only a week!!
  • Tuition: $45
  • Important Dates:
    • Goalty Semester:  September 9 – October 28. Games start every Sunday at 10am
      • October 14th games will be played at Walker Park on account of the Candler Park festival that weekend
    • Final exam: November 4
      • November 11th will be the back-up date in case of a rainout
  • Location: Candler Park, 30308

Core Requirements:

  • A Brandon, a Dylan, and a Kelly (2 guys, one lady)
  • 18 point core limit
  • Men ranked 0-9, women ranked 0-6
  • Pairs must be on a core or in the draft, no splitting between the two.
  • Want to form a core but you’re having trouble?  Email me!  holly.symolon@gmail.com

Captains information:

  • 6-8 captains, taken on a first come, first serve basis
  • Captains accepted via email
  • Your team name must match with our theme.  Old school is preferred, but if you must draw inspiration from the 90210 series that is currently running, so be it.
  • Draft is still TBD.  Probably September 6, 7, or 8.
  • Cores must be complete the Friday before the draft.

Questions?  Contact Holly Symolon (holly.symolon@gmail) or Christina Schmidt (cuschmidt@gmail)

David:  Say goodnight, Donna.
Donna: Goodnight, Donna.

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