Hey, hey folks! It’s fall goalty time!! In celebration of the new school year, fall goalty’s theme is Back to School, 90210 Style.
“I loved you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. Maybe that was the problem.”
-Dylan, to Brenda (although he was also rumored to feel the same way about goalty)
Fall goalty may be the best goalty season yet! If you are a beginner or part of our talented goalty community, we don’t want you to miss it!
Not sure how to get started? Look below.
- Class Registration: August 24-31. It’s only a week!!
- Tuition: $45
- Important Dates:
- Goalty Semester: September 9 – October 28. Games start every Sunday at 10am
- October 14th games will be played at Walker Park on account of the Candler Park festival that weekend
- Final exam: November 4
- November 11th will be the back-up date in case of a rainout
- Goalty Semester: September 9 – October 28. Games start every Sunday at 10am
- Location: Candler Park, 30308
Core Requirements:
- A Brandon, a Dylan, and a Kelly (2 guys, one lady)
- 18 point core limit
- Men ranked 0-9, women ranked 0-6
- Pairs must be on a core or in the draft, no splitting between the two.
- Want to form a core but you’re having trouble? Email me! holly.symolon@gmail.com
Captains information:
- 6-8 captains, taken on a first come, first serve basis
- Captains accepted via email
- Your team name must match with our theme. Old school is preferred, but if you must draw inspiration from the 90210 series that is currently running, so be it.
- Draft is still TBD. Probably September 6, 7, or 8.
- Cores must be complete the Friday before the draft.
Questions? Contact Holly Symolon (holly.symolon@gmail) or Christina Schmidt (cuschmidt@gmail)
David: Say goodnight, Donna.
Donna: Goodnight, Donna.