Updated with tournament information
(updated 8/3)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc … nl1WUNlTFE
SL 2012 EOST –
- 29 teams!
- games to 13.
- rounds 1:45
- 1 TO per half, 1 floater.
- cap horn blows at 1:30
- cap rules: when you hear the cap horn, finish the point. IF one team is ahead by 3 or more, the game is over. IF the margin is 2 or less, add 1 to the highest score and play to that. (ex. horn blows. point is finished. EAOC has 9. Good times has 6. the game is over. ex. horn blows. point is finished. Goodtimes has 8. EAOC has 6. it is a game to 9.)
- pools A-F -3 pool games. pool winners advance to A bracket.
- 2v3 crossover winners advance to the A pool. crossover losers + 4th place G pool team meet at the big tent for a 7 team roche after the last round. winner of that roche gets the 16 seed in the A bracket
- all the losers go to the C bracket. 4th place teams go to D bracket.
- pool G – top 3 teams go to the A bracket. no crossover. 4th placeteam goes to the 7 team roche. 5 th place teams go to the Dbracket.
- Cleats are allowed, but bring your turfs just in case.
- Grimes is serving some food sat afternoon…..not sure what.
camp out and have fun with people. there will be beer. you’ll have a
great time.
Tonight is the last night of Summer league. This is sad but usually this is one of the most fun nights of the season. Get your team to hang at the fields or go to Midway. It also means the end of season tournament (EOST) is this weekend. There will be camping and a security guard overnight, Gelande quaffing, The pickle, and DJ Jason Simpson at night (Outdoor dance party!).
Don’t forget $1 for parking. Carpool!
It won’t be 100 degrees but it is still Atlanta in August. Safety is still the #1 concern. Lets apply what we learned from MST:
- Review the policies page
- Stay cool.
- Eat breakfast.
- Hydrate on Friday, while your playing, and Saturday night.
- Make sure there is plenty of shade for your team.
- Put towels in your cooler and plenty of ice.
- Be smart about leaving valuables in plain sight.
- Don’t drive intoxicated.
- Think about leaving your pet at home.
- Ultimate fields are for playing. Keep all other activities off the fields.
- Here is a link to the MST thread with other important details.
- Keep an eye on your teammates.
There will def maybe be an election coming up in August. Watch for a post from Church with details.
Make sure to thank Brian Lynch whenever you see him. That man is ready for football. He has been working hard to make sure you have a great summer. He handles a lot of stuff for the greater good of the league.