200 players from eight area middle schools will compete this Sunday, 11/4 in Metro 4, the 4th Annual Metro Middle School Ultimate Tournament.
Paideia hosts the tourney at Python Park at 1201 Clarendon Ave. in Avondale Estates, from 10:00 – 5:00. The scholastic league, which was formed several years ago by area coaches, has enjoyed substantial growth, cooperative spirit and good competition over the years. Some schools will field more than one team, others will bring a “select” team of players from within a larger developmental program, and others still will bring a squad of players scraped together in fledgling programs. Spin is the tournament sponsor, and AFDC’s and UltiPhotos’ Christina Schmidt will be on hand taking photos.
Thanks go to current league coaches (several former AFDC, Ozone and Chain players among them) Fred Perivier at Henderson, Michael Baccarini at Paideia, Paddi White and Rich Perlstein at Inman, Brian Mitchell at Elkins Pointe, Andy Crosby at Galloway, Salah Abdul-Razacg at Sutton, David Turrentine at Druid Hills, and Lauren Stewart at Holy Innocents for starting and developing middle school teams, this league, and this EOS tournament! Come out and watch and bring any interested young fans! Concessions and Spin gear available. Please leave dogs at home.