So, it’s November. Fall leagues are over, the 12 Days Tournament is on the horizon, and holiday season is about to be in full swing. When the smoke clears and you’ve gained the inevitable 10 lbs of turkey and pie weight and it’s time to confront the reality of your job again…there can be only one cure for your mid-winter doldrums. Winter Goalty is the magic elixir that will cure all your ailments. My aspirations for this season are to make it equal parts more competitive and enjoyable for all participants. So, here are the details which include some changes from years past:
- Regular Season Dates: Saturdays beginning on January 12th through March 2nd
- End of Season Date: Saturday March 9th
- Location: Walker Park
- Times: TBD (This will depend on how many teams the league has. With 8 teams, games will all be played simultaneously beginning at 11am, while a 10 team format will result in two separate rounds. These would likely be at 11am and 1:30pm and team schedules would vary week to week.)
- Format: Two matches (best of 3) each Saturday (This means you’ll play two different teams each weekend.)
- Cost: $45
- Skill Level: New players welcomed but be prepared as this is the most competitive goalty league all year.
- Open Registration: December 17th (Registration will be limited based on the number of cores that form. So, if it’s absolutely important that you play goalty this winter, make sure you get on a core or you sign up as soon as registration opens.)
CORE INFORMATION (important changes)
- 5 person cores consisting of 3 men and 2 women (no alternate arrangements allowed)
- 30 point core total (men 0-9 scale/women 0-6 scale)
- 21 point total for men
- Cores must be submitted to me by December 7th (yes, that early)
- Cores are subject to review by captains. Zero tolerance for cores violating the point limits.
- No set core minimum, but cores will be subject to my approval. Low cores may not make the cut if more competitive cores are proposed and accepted.
- I am happy to help with core building where I can and as my schedule allows.
- If you already have a core formed or are thinking about it, please shoot me an email and let’s chat.
Questions, comments, fears….email me at cuschmidt@gmail.com.
Get the goalty fever!
Accepted Cores
1. Christina Schmidt
2. Marc Seto
3. Lauren Stewart
4. John Boezi
5. Nick Brown
6. Jon O’Neill
7. Dan Konisky
8. Russell Snow
9. Jared Inselmann
10. Hobart Yeager