The AFDC is proud to create a formal partnership with Ozone by establishing the Women’s Development Committee. Ozone and the AFDC will work together to foster the growth of women in the Atlanta Ultimate community.
The AFDC has created a special committee focused on women’s affairs, recruiting women to play ultimate, growing the skills of those who already play, and bringing more women into the AFDC community. Ozone has agreed to commit their time, effort, and influence to organize events such as clinics, fundraisers, and leagues targeted towards women ultimate players. We want to thank Kirsten Shell, Kate Wilson, and the rest of Ozone for volunteering to lead this effort. But, they won’t be the only ones involved. They will be recruiting committee members from throughout the community to help give them a well rounded perspective. If you are passionate about this and want to get involved contact Kirsten Shell.
In its first year this committee has the following plans:
- Women’s Goalty Tournament – April 14th.
- Women’s combine (Facebook event) – May 11th 3-6pm at GSP
- pre-summer league Coed Beginner’s Clinic – May 21st
- Welcome to summer league clinics – Tues May 28th & 30th before summer league games at GSP
- Summer league new player buddy program. Contact Kirsten if you are interested
- Fall clinics – Aug/Sept Clinics geared towards female college & league level players
- Competitive Women’s league – After the club series while the weather is still good