Vote (slight pause), or Die!
Expired Terms:
Four current members of the Board of Directors have terms that will expire on October 1, 2013. Those Directors are:
- Chris Blackburn
- Pete Holiday
- Angela Lin
- Kate Wilson
Each candidate has been nominated and will run for re-election to the Board of Directors.
One member of the Board has announced his resignation. Christopher E. Church will resign as Secretary of the Board of Directors effective October 1, 2013.
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 4 of the AFDC Bylaws, the Board of Directors is accepting nominations to serve on the Board of Directors.
To nominate a member to a position (self-nominations are okay), e-mail Christopher Church with your name bySeptember 15, 2013. Upon confirmation of eligibility, the Board of Directors, Elections Committee, and AFDC membership will consider your name in an election in accordance with the AFDC bylaws.
Finally, the AFDC is seeking candidates to serve as Summer League Commissioner (the by laws do not require the Summer League Commissioner to be a Member of the Board). Those interested in serving should contact Brian Lynch to express their interest.
* Article V, Section 1 defines Members as any person who has paid dues for (or has participated in, but had such dues waived): an AFDC league during the current calendar year; or an AFDC league during the immediate preceding calendar year. If you have questions about your eligibility, please e-mail Christopher Church.