What do you call a group of goalty players? Why a Gaggle, of course! Spring Goalty gets going the second week in March under the leadership of Nick Brown and Paige Payne. Get all the glorious details by reading below! Spring is coming…
- Format: We will be doing something different for this league. We will have 12 Gaggles of 5 men and 2 women. Each week, two Gaggles will combine to form one Great Gargantuan Galloping Gaggle and compete against another Glorious Group. The pairings will be different from week to week so that all players will have the opportunity to play with one another. Standings will be tied to each Gaggle. There will be no cores and no draft. Pairs will be allowed for registration, but will be subject to review. The Gaggle Goalty Committee will attempt to create appropriately balanced Gaggles. Fun will be had.
- Regular Season Dates: League will start March 11th and will be played Tuesday nights
- End of Season Date/Location: Sunday May 4th at Walker Park
- Regular Season Location: Coan Rec
- Times: Round 1 – 6:30pm and Round 2 – 8:30pm (teams will play either Round 1 OR Round 2)
- Cost: $50 (***Note: registration costs have gone up $5 due to the cost of fields on a weeknight with lights.)
- Open Registration: SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY February 23rd at noon!!! Registration will continue until league limits are reached or March 7th, whichever is first.
- Registration Limits: 60 Men and 24 Women
More details to come. Stay tuned! If you have any questions or concerns, drop me an email at brown.nickp@gmail.com.
Nick Brown, Spring Goalty Commissioner
Paige Payne, Spring Goalty Co-Commissioner