Get excited! Summer league is just a mere 11 weeks away! There’s a lot of change happening this year and summer league is no exception. Read below for all the titillating details from our new summer league commissioner, Rich Johnston.
As some of you are no doubt aware, SL2014 is finally making the change to 4/3 ultimate. The goal is that this will lead to better female involvement and better ‘true mixed’ ultimate. It will also put us more in line with the league formats of high level ultimate cities nationwide.
To make this work, here are some changes for this season:
1 Female and 1 Male captain per team (captains of both genders required for cores to be submitted)
14 men and 8+ women per team, ideally
24 teams in co-ed summer league
Because this will significantly reduce the number of men participating in co-ed summer league, we will run (and by we, I mean Chris Arbaugh, with support from myself, Lynch and Boezi) a men’s league at the same time. This men’s league will play the same nights, at the same times, and have the same tournament dates.
Additional, non-gender related changes:
Tuesday nights will continue to be 2 games starting at 6:30.
Thursday nights, however, are going to change. Every team will play a single game, starting later (7pm), and going longer (game to 15). All teams will then be encouraged to attend Game of the Week, which will have food and beverages available, likely in the form of the Ozone fundraisers we’ve had in the past (other interested teams should contact me). This should hopefully de-stress a lot of folks, make it easier to be on time, play one full game in its entirety and then hopefully get people to come back to GoTW to bolster the community aspect of summer league.
Final core rules to come shortly, as well as a call for captains.
What’s not changing:
You will have fun
You will play a ton of ultimate
Someone is actively working to ruin your summer
Important dates reminder: 1st games 6/3, MST 7/12-13, EoST 8/16-17