Juniors and College Terminus happened this past March. Here are the results of those tournaments and some highlight shots taken by none other than Christina Schmidt.
Juniors Terminus
A word from the TD, Chad Borer…
High School Terminus was all about making do with what we had. Kudos and thanks to everyone who scrambled to find field space when GSP was shut down for the rain and to all the volunteers who helped turn a rainy mess into some high quality juniors ultimate.
Independence High School’s Flight edged out Lakeside to take home top prize in the Varsity division.
Catholic High School JV bested Brookwood JV for the JV Division.
And Heritage-heavy mixed team topped Grady for the Girls Division.
College Terminus
A word from the TD, Michelle VanHandel
27 mens and womens college ultimate teams from around the US (from Massachusetts to Missouri) attended College Terminus March 15-16. We were able to get in a full day of play on Saturday before fields were closed on Sunday due to rain. A HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who helped make College Terminus a success!
Photos by Christina Schmidt/UltiPhotos.
College Terminus: http://www.
Juniors Terminus: http://www.