The AFDC Juniors committee is looking for stellar youth coaches for the upcoming YCC tournament and season!
This is a great opportunity for youth in our community to experience ultimate on a national level and an exciting opportunity to coach the top youth talent in our area. We are looking for head coaches for 4 Atlanta teams: U-19 Open, U-19 Girls, U-19 Mixed and U-16 Open.
Details about YCC:
What is YCC? Youth Club Championships is a national youth tournament that has been competing since 2005. It is the largest annual event that USA Ultimate hosts. Last year there were 62 teams representing 25 cities, with over 1200 athletes With the rapid growth in youth ultimate that is bound to grow in 2015.
What is the date of the tournament?
The tournament will be held August 7-9 in Blaine, MN. This year the tournament is expanding to 3 days so travel will be from Thursday August 6th – Sunday evening August 9th.
What is the commitment level for coaching a YCC team?
The tryout schedule is still under discussion but in the past tryouts have been in March. Once the teams are selected, practice starts in June. Teams will have 1 head coach and 1 assistant coach. Teams practice twice a week from early June until the tournament in August. It will be up to the coaches to determine exactly what is expected of their players. Last years coaches were able to juggle practices with assistant coaches to allow for summer vacation travel.
What will it cost?
Airfare, hotel, transportation and food will be covered for the tournament weekend as well as a head coach stipend to offset other expenses.
What else is involved?
Tournament applications, travel logistics, team collections, and general team organization will be covered by the Juniors committee. We want to support our coaches in anyway we can so that coaches can focus on coaching and team development. Coaches are the heart and soul of their teams and are expected to set a high example of team spirit and conduct.
Here is the link to the application. Applications are due Sunday, January 25. We hope you will consider sharing your time and ultimate talents with Atlanta’s youth to bring quality, great spirited teams to Blaine this summer!!
Anita Summers and Courtney Farrell
AFDC Juniors YCC Coordinators
The 2015 YCC Coach Review Committee consists of a small group who have either coached youth, played youth ultimate here in Atlanta, coached at YCC in the past, know well AFDC’s culture, juniors’ players or goals, etc. We aim to find the best coaches we can for Atlanta’s youth players and will remain flexible and fair in the process, following best practices guidelines for confidentiality, impartiality and professionalism. We want your application to speak for itself and will not rely on politicking, anecdotes, favoritism, etc. We are several years into hosting our YCC teams in an increasingly successful and structured, sustainable way, fitting with USAU’s goals for youth development. We look forward to supporting our coaches and YCC players!
Photos by Rob Brownell