Let the warm weather continue to bless us with its presence and facilitate our Goalty addictions. Spring Goalty is right around the corner, and it is going to be awesome!
Check out all the sweet details below.
- Regular Season Dates: Wednesdays at 7pm starting March 11 through April 29
- End of Season Date: Sunday May 3
- Location: Regular season at Central Park with the exception of 4/29 which will be at Coan Rec. End of Season at Walker Park.
- Format: Two rounds per night played to best of three.
- Skill Level: Come one, come all.
- Cores: There will be 1 male, 1 female cores with a draft for the remainder of players. Max core limit: 12 points. Cores subject to review. Cores due by March 4th.
- Cost: $50
- Registration: Opens Monday, February 16th at noon
- Registration is a two-step process— (1) register first and then (2) pay once accepted into the league (within the allotted 48 hr payment window). Registration Info, Click Here.
- Registration page CLICK HERE.
Questions, comments….email me at brown.nickp@gmail.com.
Nick Brown, Spring Goalty Commish
Photo by Christina Schmidt.