The AFDC is excited to announce a partnership with Atlanta Sport and Social Club to offer Men’s League this Summer! Instead of working separately and competing for scarce field space, this partnership will allow us to focus on creating a better quality Ultimate experience for all players involved this Summer.
All games will be played at Boulevard Crossing Park on Thursday nights starting at 6:30pm or 7:40pm. Men’s league will have a nearby dedicated bar for post-game fun – each team will receive a complimentary pitcher each week, and will receive discounts on food in addition to other drink specials.
During registration, players can sign up as free agents, a small group, or bring in an entire team (at least 12 players) to play. For men’s league, there will be no rankings required or team ranking limits! All rained out games WILL be rescheduled (up to August 31st). Atlanta Sport and Social Club will maintain the league registration and scheduling.
In addition to playing alongside several Co-Ed Summer league teams at Boulevard Crossing park, men’s league players will be able to pick up for both MST and EOST (as needed), as well as attend the AFDC end of season party!
Here is the league format information:
- 7 regular season games (one game per week, games to 15 or 70 minutes)
- Single Elimination playoff for top 4 teams at the end of the season (last week of the season).
- Minimum of 12 players required per team. No maximum
- Games start Thursday, June 18th.
- $55 dues if you sign up as a free agent or $50/person if you sign up with a whole team for AFDCers (until 5/31). Discount code: AFDC15
- AFDC End of Season Party Included
This league will be commissioned by our very own Mark Poole. E-mail him at markpoolejr@gmail.com if you need help forming teams, registering, or anything else.
Photos by Christina Schmidt.