Hello all,
I’m a huge Goalty fan. It’s the best. Yes, better than Ultimate… Fact!
The one thing that bothers me about Goalty in Atlanta is the number of teams we get each league. It’s not enough! I hate having to play against the same nerds every other game. What am I going to do about it you ask? Well, I’m taking over Fall Goalty with the hope of getting some new blood into the Goalty scene, spread the talent out a little and finally start to grow Goalty into what it should be!
League Details:
- Captain Pairs due: Sunday 8/15
- Email me at mccargo+FG@gmail.com
- Cores Due: Monday 8/21 by 5pm
- Registration: Monday 8/10-8/23 (click here)
- Draft: Monday: 8/24 at 7pm
- League Play: Mondays AND Wednesdays starting 8/31 -10/28.
- Your team will play on either Mondays OR Wednesdays each week. This will allow for more teams.
- EOS: Post-Halloween! Sunday, November 1st!!! Costumes!!!
- Registration Fee: $55
- Core Info:
Guy/Girl Captain pairs may be no higher than 13 (Guy: 0-9, Girl: 0-6). Same as last Fall. The only difference is that there will be no 3rd player on your Core. WHAT?! Hear me out…
The only other core players you can add are players that have NOT played AFDC Goalty for the last 2 years. So if you were registered for any of the following leagues you will be either a captain or going into the draft.
- 2015 Winter Goalty
- 2014 Spring Goalty
- 2014 Winter Goalty
- 2014 Fall Goalty
- 2013 Spring Goalty
- 2013 Winter Goalty
- 2013 Fall Goalty
Captains can add up to 3 guys and 2 girls to your core with 0 (yes, zero) ranking restrictions. Want to add 3 chain’er and 2 ozone’ets to your core? As long as they’re Goalty League rooks, great. You just recruited some great new players into the Goalty scene and you will have a rockin’ team! There will be draft order considerations based on the number and quality of players on your core but other than that, get recruiting. You do NOT have to get 5 new players to have a complete core but see below as to why you should.
***Number of teams: We hope to have at least 8, but I want to get 12. Captain spots are NOT first come first served. If I get 12 cores but we only have enough players for 8 teams, the top* cores get the spots, while the other cores go into the draft. *Define top: track record for attendance, spirit, knowledge of the game, and the number/quality of new players you recruited. This should urge captains to recruit like Saban (Roll Tide!). If each core brings in 5 new players it would be 60 total new players. Last year’s Fall Goalty only had 84 players in total! That’s amazing growth!
Let me know if there are any questions.