Whether you’re a goalty ringer, have been hearing how awesome goaltimate is and want to give it a try, or just gosh darn heart goalty, SPRING GOALTY LEAGUE 2017 is for you.
Check out all the sweet deets below. More information will be filled in as we hammer down specifics. Hope to see you on the fields!
- Regular Season Dates: Wednesday Nights 8pm-11pm @ Coan, starting March 15th through April 26th.
- End of Season Date: April 29th
- Format: Two rounds per night. Each match is best of three.
- Skill Level: All
- Captains: Please let us know if you are willing to captain, and help draft a team.
- Email to setomarc (at) gmail . com and mccargo (at) gmail . com
- Cores: 1 male, 1 female cores (draft remainder of team). Max core limit: 10 points (Male rank is 0-9, Female rank is 0-6).
- Cores due by Feb 28th. Email to setomarc (at) gmail . com and mccargo (at) gmail . com
- Cost: $60
- Registration: Opens Wednesday, February 15th at noon
- Registration is a two-step process— (1) register first and then (2) pay once accepted into the league (within the allotted 48 hr payment window). Registration Info, Click Here.
- Register here
- Draft: ~March 9th
- League Player Limits: Room for 6 teams for a total of approximately 48 men/24 women (subject to revision if warranted)
Please contact Marc Seto if you are interested in putting a core together or if you have any other questions or comments: setomarc@gmail.com.
Marc Seto, Spring Goalty Commish
Photo by Christina Schmidt for UltiPhotos.com