Everyone knows that Goalty is the best! Join us for AFDC Spring Goaltimate on Sundays at in-town fields this spring.
League details:
- Regular Season: Sundays 11am-2pm @ Walker Park, March 18th through April 29th
- End-of-Season 1-Day Tournament: Sunday, May 5th
- Format: Two rounds per day
- Skill Level: All
- Cores/Captains: We will accept individuals OR male/female pairs as either a 1-person or 2-person cores
- Captain Limits – 15 point max for male/female (Male rank is 0-9, Female rank is 0-9, because women are equal on the goalty field!)
- Captains are first come, first serve, or by March 5
- Email to setomarc (at) gmail . com if you are interested
- Cost: $60
- Registration: Tuesday, February 20th at noon
- Registration is a two-step process — (1) register first and then (2) pay once accepted into the league (within the allotted 48-hr payment window). Registration Info, Click Here.
- Register here
- Draft: ~ Tuesday, March 13
- League Player Limits: Room for 6 teams – 48 men/24 women (subject to revision)
Please contact Marc Seto if you are interested in captaining/co-captaining or with questions: setomarc (at) gmail . com
Marc Seto, Spring Goalty Commish 2018
Photo by Christina Schmidt for UltiPhotos.com