Winter Goalti Season ANNOUNCEMENT

We are VERY excited to get back to play with our first season of the 2022 year – WINTER GOALTIMATE!  The season runs from January 8 through February 25 with an MST and EST.  Game times are at 10:35 and 11:30 in the morning.  General registration opens December 20 and we are NOW ACCEPTING CORES.  Here’s all the details:


Grant Park Multipurpose Fields 

537 Park Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30312

** Please note that DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED within the fenced area of the field.  Please make other arrangements for your pooches **


Regular Season:  Saturdays beginning January 8th through February 25th

Mid Season Tournament: Saturday February 5th

End of Season Tournament: Saturday February 25th


Two separate rounds at 10:35 am and 11:30 am


A game will be two halves of 20 minutes with a 5 minute half each game – you’ll play two different teams each Saturday.  Team schedules will vary week to week.


Opens December 20th at noon. 

Cost: $50

Registration will be limited based on the number of cores that form.  So, if it’s absolutely important that you play goalty this winter, make sure you get on a core or you sign up as soon as registration opens.

Registration will be a two-step process — (1) register first and then (2) pay once accepted into the league (within the allotted 48 hr payment window).


5 person cores consisting of a gender ratio of 3/2 in either female/male or male/female.

30 point core MAX (men 0-9 scale/women 0-9 scale) – 20 point MAX for men.

Cores must be submitted to me by December 16th.  Cores are subject to review by the captains.

Draft Date: Tuesday January 4th (tentative)


This league is available to only vaccinated individuals. Before playing an individuals vaccine status will be checked by the commissioner.


Questions, comments, etc….email me at

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