Winter Goalty – Program Cancellation

AFDC is canceling winter goalty due to COVID. We have adopted a policy for the City of Atlanta to be out of the ‘Red’ metrics for 10 days before play can continue. With current predictions it is unlikely we’d play in January at all. If the best case scenario occurs then the league may have half the scheduled weekends to play.

We came up with many different contingency plans on things we could have done, but it would have required a lot of labor for the mere prospect of playing. Managing the day by day, communicating, dealing with potential partial refunds, etc. It became clear that the best plan is to cancel the program and issue complete refunds.

Registration is closed and refunds will be issued soon.  We apologize for the inconvenience – we’re disappointed too.  We will be trying for Spring weeknight goalty. We’re planning a draft league with paired captains.

Stay safe everybody.

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