Without Limits Grassroots Awards

The AFDC is proud to share that the 1st Annual Without Limits Grassroots Organizing Awards has awarded Atlanta with the Community Synergy Award and Miranda Knowles with the Sustained Contribution Award!

“…this community that seems to be bursting at the seams!” – Without Limits on women’s growth here in Atlanta


Community Synergy

Apparently the Community Synergy Award was not even an original category, but with everything that has been happening in Atlanta to build up women’s ultimate, Without Limits felt compelled to recognize the people that have been hard at work behind the scenes. Here are those distinguished members of our community that have done so much:

Kirsten Shell, Ayah Rashid, George Li, Leah Tsinajinnie, Helen Laester, Anita Summers, Kim DiFranesco, Miranda Knowles, Kate Wilson, Celine Sledge, Maddy Frey, Paddi White, Katherine Wooten, Emily Lloyd, Hannah Leathers, and the Atlanta Ozone Women

Sustained Contribution

With everything she has done over the years to support the growth of woman’s ultimate, not just here in Atlanta, but all over the world, it comes as no surprise that Miranda Knowles has been awarded the Sustained Contribution Award.

Quoting Without Limits, “Miranda Knowles has given back to women’s ultimate all that it has given her and then some, for years. It’s hard to capture all that she has done as a role model on the field and a leader off the field over the past decade – because it is just incredible. She has tirelessly created opportunities for women and girls to play at every level and empowered them to grow as players and members of the community.”

The AFDC is privileged to have such inspiring leadership as part of our community.


Read the full article here: http://withoutlimitsultimate.com/grassroots-organizing-awards-2014/

Do you want to get involved? Check out Atlanta Women’s Ultimate’s Facebook page!

Get to know some of the people who were mentioned in this article!
Kirsten Shell
Kate Wilson
George Li

Group photo by Christina Schmidt.

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